Not Your Average Guacamole


Not your average guacamole? But how? One ingredient: Ginger. I’m not going to say much here besides letting you know that if I was stranded on a desert island and only allowed to eat one food for the rest of eternity while stranded, it would definitely be an avocado. As a baby, my mother would simply carry around an avocado in her purse for me. I was that easy (yeah right!). In all seriousness, have you ever met an avocado disliker? If you have, refrain from telling me. I don’t want to meet them. We will not be friends (sorry).

I know we all make the best guacamole in town, but do you put ginger in yours? After you try this, you always will. You’re welcome.

Not Your Average Guacamole

Prep Time 15 mins
Course Snack
Cuisine Mexican
Servings 4 people


  • 2 Avocados ripe
  • 1 tsp Sea salt
  • 1 Lime
  • 1 tbsp Ginger graded or minced
  • 1 tsp Cracked black pepper
  • 2 tbsp Fresh cilantro


  • Wash, peel, and grate or mince your ginger in the bowl you will use to serve. That way you will also save the juice from the ginger root.
  • Squeeze the lime into bowl and mix with ginger.
  • Scoop out your ripe avocados and begin to mash them with the ginger and lime.
  • Add the salt and pepper and mix. Lastly, chop the cilantro coarsely and add it on top. Enjoy!


If you would like the guacamole to hold it’s colour and avoid turning brown, place the avocado pit in the centre of the bowl while serving. Best served with tortilla chips or fresh cut veggies. If you are avoiding corn, try to find an alternative flour tortilla chip. Siete makes a great alternative. 
Keyword avocado, ginger, guacamole

Hello! I'm Carlle

I'm a new mom who is living that sea-to-sky life. I'm a city girl who has taken the woods by storm - follow my adventures as I try to make sense of the great outdoors, motherhood, health, and wellness.

Clean Beauty


  1. 10.29.16
    Jessica said:

    I’m addicted to avocado but never thought to combine with ginger! What an interesting idea! I can’t wait to try it tomorrow – thanks for sharing! 🙂

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