Why I Quit Coffee


But first…tea.

Don’t hate me – but is all of this glorified latte instagramming helping our health? We’ve become completely involved in seeking out the next best cafe, the next best barista with undeniable talent for coffee art, or the untouched spot with the home made almond mylk. It’s obvious that coffee wins over tea any day, especially when it comes to a flatlay (the millions of “likes” account for it). 

I quit coffee because I had to, but you don’t have to. If it makes you smile, gives purpose to your mornings, or even brings your friends together, I’m not here to tell you to change that. Just read on for curiosity’s sake…read on with an open mind.

Stress: When I put down the coffee and picked up the herbal teas, my stress levels plummeted to virtually nothing. Some argue that a high amount of cortisol release is good for your brain, your inflammation, and your energy, but I don’t agree. Cortisol naturally peaks in the morning so that extra jolt of caffeine can actually make you skyrocket out of control. When I eliminated the 3 cups of joe a day, it was easy to focus and stay calm. The jitters are gone and the accelerated heart rate is a thing of the past. 

Energy: It didn’t happen overnight (at least 2 weeks detox), but I inevitably ended up with the most energy since I can remember. Waking up is a breeze. 6 AM? No problem. Falling asleep at a decent hour? Easy. I don’t have to rely on anything for a pick me up anymore. There is this sense of freedom because ultimately I was addicted to the habit, relying on the brown sludge for energy.

Anxiety: I quit because I had to. My naturopaths both agreed that my anxiety levels were out of control and that the coffee was not helping. Caffeine contains a neurotransmitter seratonin that actually decreases your brains ability to create the happy chemical, lowering levels and causing depression or anxiety. I’m happy to know that my anxiety levels, like my stress, are at a minimum since cutting it out.

Health: When you are eliminating something like candida overgrowth in the gut, you need your immune system to be top notch. Caffeine unfortunately targets the adrenal glands causing negative effects to your hormones, leading to serious fatigue. It also spikes your blood sugar levels…the whole point of this lifestyle is to keep sugars under control – they feed the fungus and stop the healing.  Another thing, coffee beans are full of mold. On the anti-candida protocol, consuming it would be taking two steps backwards. Moldy foods are a no-no (side note, some teas can contain mold so opt for loose leaf over bagged). In the end, my immune system has never been stronger, I’ve yet to catch a common cold since starting the protocol back in 2014. 

Money: Oh how I loved the art of coffee shop hopping. It still remains a pleasure but I opt for the tea which is often half the cost. One thing is for sure, I’ve saved a ton of cash. Winning!

I’m sure there are more reasons as to why I quit coffee, but these remain the big wins. I don’t miss it either, I guess yet another reason why quitting was probably a good thing. I’ve also discovered the beautiful benefits of bone broth, my favourite coffee alternative. If I wasn’t trying to heal my body with a natural approach, would I still be consuming coffee? Probably. But I’m incredibly thankful for the wakeup call so that I can change little things like this, that help pave the way to healthy living. 

If you want to learn more about quitting coffee, visit Dr. Hyman’s list here.  Do you struggle with wanting to quit coffee? What’s your favourite alternative?

Hello! I'm Carlle

I'm a new mom who is living that sea-to-sky life. I'm a city girl who has taken the woods by storm - follow my adventures as I try to make sense of the great outdoors, motherhood, health, and wellness.

Clean Beauty


  1. 4.5.16
    B said:

    I so love this post and thanks for sharing your experience quitting coffee, as I too need to stop for health reasons (anxiety and stomach). I also love how you point out the glorified latte Instagramming…

    • 4.5.16
      aleatherboundjournal said:

      I’m so happy you’re here, you read the post, and it touched you personally. It’s a tough habit to kick, but you can totally do it with the right tools! Stock up on your favourite caffeine-free teas, make some homemade nut milks for creamy consistencies, and even try adding in a little coconut oil for extra goodness! Let me know how it all goes 🙂

  2. 4.10.16
    Eugen said:

    Your outfits are very nice

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