Top 4 Pregnancy Workout Videos

I’ve always opted for at-home workouts instead of in-class sessions at a local gym or spin studio. To be honest, I’ve never even tried spin! Perhaps I’m missing out, however I just really love being able to throw on a 20 minute, 30 minute, or 1 hour video any time of the day when I feel that burst of energy. Another perk is saving money! Youtube has so many resources that make me feel a good burn. I’ve learned over the years that I don’t jive with a strict schedule and I love the ability to sweat whenever I feel like it. I’m sure this will all change when the little one is earth side – no schedule with a baby? Yeah right.

Don’t get me wrong – I do love pilates and so I hope to pick up that class when things with covid settle down. Coronavirus really has affected how we live, including how we sweat and after speaking to many friends, sweating and working out is the number 1 priority with keeping a positive mental attitude and overall better mental health. At-home workouts are THE thing right now and you can even get the “community” feel by logging into a Zoom class instead of a solo youtube or paid program.

Anyways, I could go on and on about this subject however I want to get to the reason we’re here…My top 4 prenatal workout videos that I highly recommend – and those I personally used throughout my pregnancy.

In no particular order, here they are.

Pregnancy and Postpartum TV Prenatal HIIT workout

At week 28, I failed my part 1 Gestational Diabetes test. I completely changed the way I was eating (from bigger meals to eating smaller consistent meals throughout the day, watching my sugar intake, and also learning more about food combination) and I also looked into ways to eleviate the symptoms that come with the diagnosis. I found this woman on Youtube, read through some of her handouts, and tested this workout to see how it made me feel. About 1 hour after eating lunch, I got up and did this workout and at 28ish weeks it was ideal. I loved it and continue to do this workout into week 37! It makes me feel fit and happy. It actually elevated my mood and I couldn’t have asked for something better during that time that was really difficult for me. Fast forward to part 2 of the GD testing, and I passed – meaning I don’t have Gestational Diabetes but that hasn’t stopped me from continuing with this workout.

Prenatal yoga with Lara Dutta

I found this yoga class in my first trimester through a blogger named Jenny of Margo & Me. She shared this video as something she practiced almost daily and since I’ve always loved Hatha and 30 minute classes (short, sweet, to the point, and structured), I knew this was for me. When I started practicing this routine back in April, there were 2 million ish views. I believe today it’s at 4 million! And if I’m honest, I must have added at least 100 of those views. I’ve literally done this 100 times because I truly feel that it opens the hips, it opens the heart, and it opens the pelvis. It connects you with baby, even when you are just starting to feel the cool parts of pregnancy. It lengthens and offers time for kegels and squats all while bringing in that zen vibe. If you only want to integrate one at-home routine, this would be it.

One Strong Mama Prenatal and Postpartum (Paid Program)

This program is sign up and pay only. It isn’t overly expensive and you can sign up for prenatal or postpartum…Or both! I purchased both as I wanted to have at-home support for after the baby comes before seeing any specialists in person around the 6 week post-baby mark. I love that they challenge traditional birthing practices to modern movememts (kegals vs. squats for example), and provide PDFs full of important information to consider. I would recommend for anyone who isn’t an avid athlete as the exercises are more on the simple side.

Pregnancy and Postpartum TV – Preparing For Birth

Another one from this awesome channel! I loved this video for help with my pelvic floor and natural birth preparation. Of course, we can’t get too caught up in our ideal birth plan since we don’t have absolute control over our journey in that sense, however this class really sets you up for feeling good about a natural labour, with tools and great movements that feel really good in the body, especially the lower half. I love her sequencing.

Do you have any favourite pregnancy workout resources?

Hello! I'm Carlle

I'm a new mom who is living that sea-to-sky life. I'm a city girl who has taken the woods by storm - follow my adventures as I try to make sense of the great outdoors, motherhood, health, and wellness.

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