To Be Minimalist

wilfred white dress Wearing Wilfred Gardanne dress, vintage New Mexico jewels

The weather has been moody in Vancouver. I keep saying that we are being punished for the amazing sunshine in May and June, but I guess all these grey skies and odd weather are really making it easy for Fall to launch. It’s that time. Even though it’s mid-summer, sales are coming to a close, making way for the Fall collections to scoot in and take their place. I never mind this time of year.

I’ve recently become obsessed (as I do) with The Minimalists. I know I’m like 5 years late to the party, but I don’t care about the time frame since this has only become relevant to my outlook on life in the past several months.  I would never coin my habits or space or way of life and dress as minimalist. I never have (actually I love the term un-minimalist). But it’s in this fascinating, all encompassing inclusion approach that I was recently drawn to after listening to their first 2 podcasts (they being Josh and Ryan of The Minimalists). Josh and Ryan explain how anyone can be a minimalist, you just have to find your recipe. For me, this means downsizing my closet, which was an issue at first, but I’ve finally gone through and made a dent. It also means asking the question: Does this bring value to my life? If yes, it’s a keep. If no, it’s a toss or donate because someone else might find value in it someday. It’s living with purpose and mindfulness, and without pointless clutter that has zero meaning. And since I just moved and am starting anew, I’d say this entire movement fell into my lap at the right place and right time.

Now, with Fall collections coming out, this is my test. Let’s see how minimalist I can be.

gardanne dress

Photos by Maks Eidelson

Hello! I'm Carlle

I'm a new mom who is living that sea-to-sky life. I'm a city girl who has taken the woods by storm - follow my adventures as I try to make sense of the great outdoors, motherhood, health, and wellness.

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