My Minimalist Newborn Essentials

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I feel fortunate to be moving into a new home soon – 2021 will bring a big change for us! That said, it was a rollercoaster year trying to make sense of moving out of one living space and into another with a babe on the way. Have you been there?!

This is a shoutout to any mama-to-be who is in transit right now, whose either living in a temporary set up or living with family to welcome their child earth-side. I feel you! All of our situations are different and the reminder is how no matter what your circumstance, a healthy child is all that matters…and that was my big takeaway. It’s hard in today’s world of Instagram and visual diaries to not get swept up in other people’s aspirational worlds. I would be lying if I said I didn’t cry when I realized I wasn’t going to be able to create a sanctuary/nursery for our little babe before she got here. It took me a day or two to really come to my senses however, and relax into the fact that my journey was unlike anyone else’s and to find the beauty and peace within that. I feel lucky and very grateful for my mamahood journey so far.

Call this a “Minimalist Guide to Baby” or “Newborn Things You Really Need”. Just what’s necessary – that is the goal here. I’ve linked all that I have for my temporary home to welcome a newborn to 1 month.

Coming Home!

The hospital won’t let you take baby home without a proper carseat so make sure that’s one of your big-ticket items you get. Don’t keep it in the car before the arrival as if there is an accident, they can no longer be used (and there goes your money!). I think 2 newborn outfits for coming home is a good start, 1 newborn size and 1 0-3 months so that you have the right size for your baby. Lastly, a blanket since you don’t want to overcrowd that carseat under the straps.

Sleepy Times

The Snuggle Me has to be the most popular item to have for a new babe, as well as a variety of swaddles and a sound machine. Keep it simple! We are also using our stroller bassinet on stand while we are in our temporary home. And whatever you can borrow for this newborn stage, do it! Highly recommend.

Poopy Diapers and Hungry Babes

I’d say this is the most important category overall. Baby needs to eat! Baby needs to poop! Although I have a pump, I didn’t include it as my doula is working with me to get through the first month without pumping (in an ideal world). So we shall see!

A Few Fashion Basics

Babies really don’t need all the fancy outfits at the newborn stage, especially during COVID when they will be staying put most days. It’s just not reality to spend a ton of money on fun outfits right now – and to be honest – I’m loving the minimalistic look for baby! Some newborn and some 0-3. I like neutrals but there are so many fun and ethical cotton prints out there to keep things spicy!

What do you think is missing? What do you think needs to be voided off this list? A bassinet could easily be added, as well as a baby lounger perhaps, but realistically – we we’re doing this long before the days of Amazon and easy-access shopping at our fingertips. I’ll be honest, it was a challenge keeping my purchases minimal, but my wallet is happy and overall, I feel as prepared as I could have been. Do you, mama.

Hello! I'm Carlle

I'm a new mom who is living that sea-to-sky life. I'm a city girl who has taken the woods by storm - follow my adventures as I try to make sense of the great outdoors, motherhood, health, and wellness.

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