Some Great Reads for the Week

ella jazz
By Ella Jazz

It’s Monday. Time to spend a little time on the internet keeping up with the…world. I’ve rounded up some online articles that are well worth the click. 

I love Sarah Wilson, and I loved quitting sugar with her help in the 8-week I Quit Sugar book. She’s just returned to her blog, and wrote an awesomely brief roundup of Eating Clean, and what that might mean. She clarifies some common questions. Well worth the look.

Clean Eating is a Myth…and 5 Other Things I Got Right 

What is JERFing? What does it mean to JERF? Find out.

What It Means to Jerf

I was recently tuned in to a 10 day Wellness Seminar online that showcased themed days in the forms of interviews, documentaries, yoga and meditation, and recipes. I was blown away by one speaker named Chris Wark, a man who has not only reversed stage 3 colon cancer, but helps spread the awareness of why living a healthy life will benefit us in the long run (and also what a healthy life looks like). His story is amazing, and his blog gives us a little insight into what a little determination can foster.

Chris Beat Cancer

You might not think that this has anything to do with living well – but think again. Living well includes reducing our own carbon footprint by eating right and wasting not, putting in time to DIY as much as we can for household items, and leading by example. I love how Greenpeace brings forth the worrisome reality that is the melting glaciers.

Ludovico Einaudi on the Arctic Ocean

Get to know your gut. Get to know how it relates to everything else going on in the body.

5 Things Everyone Need to Know About the Microbiome

When conventional medicine finally catches up to what the alternative types have been saying for years  – it’s a wonderful thing! Case in point: Gut bacteria and MS disease progression. So great to see science backing those working so hard to help heal naturally.

Gut Bacteria Differ in People with MS…

Hello! I'm Carlle

I'm a new mom who is living that sea-to-sky life. I'm a city girl who has taken the woods by storm - follow my adventures as I try to make sense of the great outdoors, motherhood, health, and wellness.

Clean Beauty