Living Well


Should We Tax Sugary Foods?

It’s a serious concern. Should the Canadian government implement a special tax on sugary foods like cans of pop or a Kit Kat bar? Or should they keep avoiding the subject, getting heavily leaned on by the sugar industry who…

Some Great Reads for the Week

By Ella Jazz It’s Monday. Time to spend a little time on the internet keeping up with the…world. I’ve rounded up some online articles that are well worth the click.  I love Sarah Wilson, and I loved quitting sugar with…

Wellness Blogger’s Guide to Las Vegas

You might be thinking there is nothing healthy about Las Vegas. The slushy daiquiri stands, the smoke infested casinos, the big plate buffet brunches, late night party life, and free booze. Those are all true aspects, but I recently went…

The Best Sugar Alternatives

Quitting sugar was easy. Saying no to temptations is easy. Why? When you have everything to lose (health wise) and so much to gain, you just say no. It’s finding the alternatives to sugar that’s the challenge, especially if you…

Why I Quit Coffee

But first…tea. Don’t hate me – but is all of this glorified latte instagramming helping our health? We’ve become completely involved in seeking out the next best cafe, the next best barista with undeniable talent for coffee art, or the untouched…