The Best Sugar Alternatives

Quitting sugar was easy. Saying no to temptations is easy. Why? When you have everything to lose (health wise) and so much to gain, you just say no. It’s finding the alternatives to sugar that’s the challenge, especially if you were once a self-proclaimed sugar addict like myself.  Detoxing means nothing when your body is already programmed to attack itself, and “to cleanse” is just another term our health system has created to make us think we are feeling better when we exercise cutting back. To quit (or to stop, cease, or discontinue) sugar means you are freeing yourself from the potential dangers. You are giving yourself the power of choice. You are promoting energy and life back into your gut, your nerves, your cells, and your organs. You’re breaking an addictive habit, one that’s been ingrained in you since birth. And you will, without a doubt, shed pounds on the outside and feel so much better on the inside. I have to tell you that if I can do it (a seriously devoted sugar addict), you can most definitely do it. This is all or nothing. 

First thing you want to do is either sign up for the 8-week I Quit Sugar challenge, or just buy the book like I did and seriously reconsider your habits. Take the journey on the world wide web and dive into the depths of the sugar industry. Warning – it’s a really frightening and dark, dark, place (start with this eye opening article).

But getting into the dark side of the sugar industry is a thesis in itself. I will leave that up to the big boys. I want to help you get accustomed to new transitions, new changes, and new possibilities! I have taken the time to experiment so you just have to read, stock your pantry, and make some of my recipes. I’m going to let you in on how I can keep my sugar tooth happy (as a self proclaimed sugar addict, it was my duty to become an expert in this field). I’m truly the “dessert after every meal” kind of gal. Just ask my boyfriend.

Let’s cut to the chase…Here are my top sugar alternatives:

Coconut: Coconut butter, coconut cream, coconut milk, shredded coconut, coconut chips. I can’t get enough of this epic oily nut that is jam packed full of fat and nutrients that really does the body so much good. This is by far my favourite unsweetened option when it comes to adding a little sweetness and/or texture to your sweets and treats.  A lot of people are scared of choosing creams over milks, but when you cut sugar out of your lifestyle, your daily fat intake really doesn’t matter (as long as it’s only good fats!). It’s rich and you don’t need to have too much to be satisfied. That’s the beauty of eating fat versus sugar, you know when you’re full. Plus it’s hardly processed, you’re eating a real plant in forms closest to the original source. The wonderful thing about using coconut as your sweetener is that you have the choice to make all of the necessary products yourself in your own home. Just crack open a coconut and get experimenting! 

Cinnamon: It’s one of the best spices. It can be savoury, it can be sweet, it can establish the beginnings of a great recipe. Cinnamon is also incredibly beneficial to your health. Benefits include antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory effects, increases the good (HDL) cholesterol, reduces insulin resistance, lowers blood sugar, and is an anti fungal. Hello, power food. You can’t go wrong with adding in a teaspoon or tablespoon here or there to bump up the flavour in whatever you are making. The longer you let cinnamon steep or heat up, the sweeter the taste will be.

Stevia: This is a tough one because you either think of stevia in the realms of Xylitol or aspartame or look at it as a godsend. I’m the latter. I praise the fact that a plant resource is triple the sweetness of sugar. I am elated to know that stevia, in its’ purest form, is safe to eat in moderation and provides not only a healthy sweetness to baking, breakfasts, or snacks. I actually don’t mind the taste. I don’t find it bitter, but it does take some getting used to. Prepare yourself. You can even buy organic stevia leaves in full, maximizing on the raw, real, respect philosophy. Actually, I only use organic stevia plant, rather than the processed ones on grocery shelves. There is zero calories, which is why stevia has become such a hit with the health community. It’s also sort of anti-candida…what a win! If you’re on the paleo diet, be aware that stevia is on the list of foods to avoid (paleo mom article). For myself, I take the risk of using the stevia plant based on the help of 2 nutritionists, one allergy test, and the way it makes me feel…If and when I use it, it’s all happiness. Be mindful – don’t go eating this everyday. Disclaimer: Please only buy natural, organic, and unprocessed stevia. There will be so many options on your grocery shelves but always check the ingredients list. The only thing you want to see on that list is the plant. No hokey names. Steer clear of any hidden additives! Still unsure about this crazy alternative? Read some cool articles here, here, or here

Tea: When I first quit sugar (and everything else), my cravings were off the charts. It wasn’t until I found THE TEA OF ALL TEAS that I felt invigorated and euphoric once again. I stumbled across this tea in Squamish, a small mountain town one hour out of Vancouver. I told the tea merchant to make me a cup of tea with natural sweetness, zero caffeine, and a rich flavour. He served me up the Rooibos Market Spice, his own house blend of sweet, sweet, goodness. Seriously, you won’t believe this is sugar free. Your guests, your friends, your peers will have to be convinced you didn’t sweeten it. The trick is the clove oil, orange oil, and cinnamon in one compact tablespoon that sweetens as it steeps. The longer it sits, the sweeter it becomes. And it’s completely natural and plant based – no spikes to worry about here. 

Macadamia Nuts: I’m only able to eat nuts in moderation, however when I do, it’s most likely in baked goods or sweet treats. If you can tolerate nuts, I highly recommend stocking up on some organic macadamia nuts to always have handy for recipes. The smooth texture is brilliant for grinding down to a butter, and they mix and match very well with any flavour. They are a great alternative to cashews if you are on an anti-candida recipe like myself. These lovely round nuts are super caloric (the highest out there) but also have a great deal of selenium and copper. They are also 100% cholesterol free. 

Berries: Blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and wild blueberries. These are the essentials! Throw a handful of frozen berries in with an avocado and a spoonful of coconut cream, and you will be living in an “ice cream” dream! Seriously, berries are the perfect natural sweetener. With an anti-candida diet, the whole idea is to regulate sugar in your body in order to kill of the fungus that feeds on it. This means elimination of most fruits (for at least 3 months on the protocol). And to be honest, I don’t miss anything else. Eating berries is not only nutritious, but the antioxidants fight oxidative stress in the body. 

So when it comes to alternatives to sugar, what’s your favourite? Do you agree with my list, or do you have something else that I really need to try? 

Your tastebuds will change with time if you decide to make the jump. Time to throw away the coconut sugar and agave, my lovelies. Those are all “healthy” options set by the industry in order to make a buck or two. Go easy on the honey and the maple syrup, even if they are from real unprocessed sources. If you’re really going to cut sugar, forgo anything that can spike those levels. We are trying to limit the fructose to pretty much this article for details. Did I mention the program below already? Just be wary of brown rice syrup…Ok! Now it’s up to you. Tell me what you think of all of this in the comments below, or send me a quick email. Toodles!

Hello! I'm Carlle

I'm a new mom who is living that sea-to-sky life. I'm a city girl who has taken the woods by storm - follow my adventures as I try to make sense of the great outdoors, motherhood, health, and wellness.

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